Services Provided
We offer a wide range of services to suit you needs. From EMDR and CBT (Congnative Behaviorl Therapy), child therapy to senior support groups. We can help with substance abuse and PTSD.
Psychological Evaluations, Autism and ADHD screenings are also available.
Circle of Security Parenting
Dawn Garrett, LPCC
Circle of Security Parenting is a relationship-based program where parents learn to identify and help with needs beneath a child’s behavior – even with the big emotions that can be so triggering.
These underlying needs are part of our human experience – following us into adulthood, so the relational strategies and vocabulary learned here can be helpful with children (and adults) of any age. The strategies also provide avenues for insights into our own self-care.
The program consists of 8 sessions, each building on the last. Telehealth provides flexibility for sessions to be provided individually, or with participants who want to take the course together but are in different locations (such as co-parenting situations).
Community Support Groups
Dr. Lorinda Arella facilitates multiple support group, welcoming to all for the appropriate groups.